I’m going to write about graphic design today, which is not exactly crafty in the traditional sense, but it is artsy and creative, which is kind of crafty (?), so bear with me.
My paying gigs (WSU & ICE) are doing graphic design. I work with a team who does all the hard work: meet with clients, write text, take photos and make beautiful art. I get to do the fun and easy part: combine all of that hard work into one piece that sells. Or gets people to an event. Or raises awareness.
A recent design project was to promote an engineering day for 6th-9th grade girls. Our client provided the info, and our writers wrote. Then I scoured stock photo/illustration sites to find some elements that screamed teenage-girl-turned-engineer:
Next I combined it all into a poster, flier, tshirt, newspaper ad and online ad:
The event reached the registration maximum and even made the local news. I absolutely love seeing my design out in the real world. Must be my ego, but it is super fulfilling to see something I made in so many places.